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About Me

My Background


I’m a University of Michigan Ross School of Business student focusing on Accounting and Marketing, while pursuing a CPA through Amberton University and the University of Toledo.


While I still court the idea of selling out to Deloitte or Goldman Sachs like my classmates, right now I love working towards Equity in Education by running a small autism advocacy organization and teaching Literary Analysis to homeschooled students across the country.


In my high school days, I ran distance track to medal at the Ohio State Championships, while going down in history as the first person cocky enough to run in Lane 8 for an entire 3200 meters because they did not want their competition to draft off of them.




Other Major Accomplishments


I love octopuses so much that I took a summer job at the Cleveland Zoo to visit them on my lunch break. Because sometimes people thought I was their keeper, I had a short speech prepared about the octopus's fluid intelligence.


I have a bad habit of drawing people as animals when I get bored in class. But I've been told I'm pretty accurate. My record for having other people guess correctly is 43 in 90.


This dog in the background is mine, and she is amazing. Her name is Peepee because she cannot control her bladder. When I was 15, my dad told me I could get a boyfriend or a dog, so obviously I chose the dog. Now, after dating some guy for 4 years, I would still pick the dog. He says he would too. She's that cool.








Read a little bit more about me and why I write:

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